Saturday, March 8, 2014

Where is Blog Visitors Pleasure and Revisit

Unknown | 2:50 PM |

Where is Blog Visitors Pleasure and Revisit
When you create a blog you need a best guilty thinking for getting visitors on your blogs again and again. When you create a blog so make with user friendly design is very needy for making it successful. But that is not the only thing a blogger should be concerned about. A blogger who understands his visitors, I mean readers, and who satisfies them, will always find success. But what�s happening today? Many bloggers are unable to accomplish their per-set goals and therefore giving up their blogging career. Where do you think the mistake lies? Let�s find out.

What u Want to Visitors or Readers?

Many bloggers live in a misconception that getting more traffic makes them rank high and earn more money. Certainly, the more traffic you get the more revenue you can generate. But when you depend upon fresh and anonymous traffic every day, you�ll surely find a black day when all your traffic almost disappears.

I�m serious, even Darren Rowse had a day when he almost lost his business long back in 2004. He then realized not to place all his eggs in one basket i.e. depending completely on Google for traffic and revenue.

So, what should you look for? Both are important for a blogger to earn and rank his blog.

�A visitor is a temporary reader and a reader is a permanent visitor�

Both can benefit you and help you raise your income. But that�s not what we should consider now, one should be more concerned about �giving more to them.�

Relationship Management
Just like CRM, you should be more concerned about maintaining a long term relationship with your visitors. That�s what builds your readership. Treat your visitors as customers and try to respect them and make them your loyal readers. But the strategies to be applied will be entirely different here, because you will not have a direct contact with them. So, how can you implement it?

Tips for beginners:
Since you�ll have very less or almost zero traffic in the very beginning, it�s a little tough task for you to build readership. Hey! It�s not that difficult if you really capable. You shouldn�t just concentrate on writing for robots (search engines). I agree that it�s really hard to drive traffic to your blog via search engines. So, it�s better to drive them from other blogs. Confused?

You�ve not started a blog just for someone who is new to web. People who need your content were already active on the web somewhere in social sites or other blogs. Now your duty is to just make them know that you have the content that they�re looking for.

Tips For Bloggers
Attracting visitors is easier than retaining them. You might be having anywhere between 1K to 100K readers i.e. followers and visitors. Have you ever worried about them? If not, it is the time to act to benefit them and get benefited from them.

  •     Don�t post what you know, give them what they need
  •     Don�t go straight into the topic & don�t end it the same way
  •     Let them know that you have all what they are looking for
  •     Show your visitors that you�re really caring them
  •     It�s better to offer them incentives through giveaways

People want something especially prepared for them; all you have to do is, use direct speech. This makes them feel that you�re talking to them directly. Also, ask them some questions related to the post they are reading.

What happens when you ask a question? They come up with an answer and interact through comments to your post. By doing this you can�t expect everyone to comment, but at least you�ll see a spike in comments.

There is nothing great than story telling when you want to express something. That even works for bloggers. I don�t mean that you should always tell stories; include some real life examples in your posts. If your post is theory, the example you mentioned will be a proof to it.

For you, it is a Blog and for your readers it should be a �Brand�. What is the difference? If you create a brand image for your blog in their minds, they�ll trust you. You know what; such readers even help your blog to reach their friends by sharing on social media.

Whether it is referral, direct or search traffic, a visitor lands on your web pages to find a solution to his/her problem. If your posts just solve such issues, he may not look back at you again.

As said in the above tips, just notify him that he has more content on your blog that boosts his cognizance. Let me give an example to you.

If your post is Tips to Increase Facebook Fan Page Likes you can include a related post like �3 Creepy Myths about �Buying� Facebook Likes Nobody Wants to Tell You�. Yes, you�re right it�s ON Page SEO and you should never forget it.

Hey EveryOne! I BILAL AHMED,From Pakistan,Author of this blog.. By Profession I'm a Web Designer,Blogger and SEO Optimizer. I'm not having an educational degree or something like that but, I'm the one who has done everything whatever i want to do.Thanks for visiting this blog.if you like it than please share this one with others.
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