Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Voice Control on the Raspberry Pi

Unknown | 12:42 PM |
Note: Updated version here:

I'm finally releasing my Raspberry Pi voice control software.
The beauty of this is that you can use it and customize it without programming anything.
This will work on any linux machine but I find it uniquely suited for the Raspberry Pi and that's what I developed it for.
You just type voicecommand -e to edit the configuration file and add any speech and the coinciding command. You can see all of the little nifty commands it can recognize just with my config file in the video. I use all of these pretty often. It is very mutable and works with lots of other programs.

Watch this video to really get a feel for the program:

The commands should be in the format speech=command. Ex:
music=xterm -e pianobar
Doctor Who=playvideo -r -f Doctor Who

Unfortunately, it is caps sensitive voice control right now, but you can test the input by running
on you machine to see what the speech recognition will give you. It uses Google's api and is really good at recognizing what you say. I used to use espeak instead of festival for the text to speech because of the speed difference. However, after some very helpful comments from people, I've switched to using Google's TTS api, which is much more pleasant to listen to. The video above is still using espeak but the newest code does not.

I hope you will try this out and make some cool things with it. Instructions to install are below.
I'm in the process of setting up a repository so until then, here are the instructions (do this in the terminal):

sudo apt-get install git-core
git clone git://github.com/StevenHickson/PiAUISuite.git
cd PiAUISuite/Install/

Update Instructions 

cd PiAUISuite
git pull
cd Install
sudo ./UpdateAUISuite.sh

Here are the dependencies required to run and build:
sudo apt-get install libboost1.50-dev libboost-regex1.50-dev youtube-dl axel curl xterm libcurl4-gnutls-dev mpg123 flac sox

**Note: If the file .commands.conf doesn't exist in your home directory and you have an old version of code, the program will exit. You should either grab the newest code from github or create the file yourself.

**To make it listen for longer, edit the file /usr/bin/speech-recog.sh and change -f cd -t wav -d 3 to -f cd -t wav -d # where number is how many seconds it should listen.

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