Wednesday, March 5, 2014

How to Make Money with Youtube, Facebook and Twitter

Unknown | 9:58 PM |

In the world now Google Adsens is the best way of money making (Read: how to make money with Google Adsens) , but such as like Social sites Youtube, Facebook and twitter is too best ways of money making. There is a general rule in life, if it seems to good to be true it most likely is. That could not apply more to the internet. If you see something, for example �My friend makes $899 a week, working from home doing surveys� that is not realistic. But there are ways to make quick cash online, maybe not enough to allow you to quit your job or retire. But still a nice little amount and unlike freelance writing, articles, blogs and odd jobs there is not actually much effort needed by you.These ways all use social networks, such as Facebook, Youtube, Tumblr and the best one Twitter.

 How to Make Money with Facebook and Twitter My likes

Make Money with Facebook and Twitter My likes

My-Likes is a social advertising platform that allows users to share advertiser content through Twitter, YouTube, and blogs, and earn money on a per-click basis. Advertisers can describe their product, choose a maximum cost-per-click, and have the site�s community of users promote them through �sponsored links�. This article will teach you how to earn money on My-Likes. How to make money we can teach you step by step.

1. Sign up for MyLikes by creating an account or signing in with your Facebook or Twitter account.

2. Go to the MyLikes login page and sign in using the email . password associated with your account.

3. Go to the Influencers setup page.Click the �Register with Twitter� and/or the �Register with Facebook� buttons to link your Twitter and Facebook accounts with your MyLikes account.

  • If linking your Facebook account, you will be prompted to �Allow� and give MyLikes permission to your account.
  • If linking your Twitter account, you will be prompted to authorize the MyLikes app by signing in with your username and password and clicking the �Authorize app� button.
  • Select at least two categories you typically tweet or post about followed by the �Save Categories� button.

 4. Connect your other accounts such as Wordpress, Tumblr, and YouTube to your MyLikes account by clicking the �Account� tab followed by the �Manage External Accounts� option from the context menu.

 5. Click the �Like This� button next to a campaign within the �Home� tab. Note: You can see how much the advertiser is willing to pay per click next to the �Like This� button.

6. Select the checkbox next to the services you want to share the ad with such as Twitter and Facebook. You can also write a personal message in the textbox next to each service. Note: Changing the default message supplied by the advertiser may result in disapproval of your link.You can also set your scheduling options by clicking the �Post Now� or �Post Around� button to select a time from the drop down menu.

7. Click the �Send Message� button when you are finished to complete the process.

8. Click the �Account� tab followed by the �Payment History� option from the context menu.Click the �Add your PayPal Email to Receive Payments� button to link your PayPal account with your MyLikes account. Earnings above $2 will be sent your PayPal account every Friday. Note: Some earnings from click take 48 hours to be verified.

9. Go to the MyLikes websites page and click the �add MyLikes to your Website� button to monetize your website with a MyLikes widget. This will allow you to get paid for visitors that click a particular MyLikes ad on your site.

 Now next Target is Youtube, how to make money with youtube

Well apart from the services they offer which I will not be going into in this article several services but for the sake of keeping this simple I will continue to use Mylikes as an example. Once you have linked a YouTube account you can click on �Profile� and then �Create video� on the Mylikes profile screen. This allows you to create an advertisement for a company or organisation and get paid for the amount of unique views that video has at the end of a week, for as long as they want the video online.

You will see a screen like this:

how to make money with youtube

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